Career in Jewellery Designing

Aim for a fabulous Career in Jewellery Designing

Creative persons with a passion and particular interest would succeed well in a Career in Jewellery Designing!

India abounds in the traditional gold and silver jewelry for many ages. Now that platinum and titanium along with a great variety of gemstones like diamonds have brought immense business and designing demands becoming a jewelry designer is wise. Don’t forget that India has always loved gold and uses 20% of the global gold at $13 billion. Over 1.3 million people in India work in an ever-growing industry.

Tradition and fashion statements

Jewelry has nowadays acquired a style status too. The expression has many displays like home architecture and the automobile, costumes, and accessories.

A variety of fine multi-colored jewelry adds to the personal, intimate appeal and thus the demand. The rise of convenient internet business and the use of computers in designing jewelry make the industry dynamic.

A successful jewelry designer would find immense employment opportunities and receive generous pay packets. Mighty opportunities exist because of the universal love for jewelry made of precious metals and pretty gems, often considered auspicious and a symbol of wealth and power. A Career in Jewellery Designing would be meaningful and bring artistic job satisfaction. Source

Some Career Opportunities in Jewellery Designing

  •  A jewelry designer like an artist creates new designs by drawing them or using computer software, based on which a mold is made.
  •  A fashion jeweler caters to the styles preferred by stylish customers.
  •  A goldsmith concentrates on the standard versions of jewelry.
  •  A jewelry manufacturer sets up a production house and markets branded jewelry.
  •  By lapidary, we mean an expert who sets precious stones in pieces of jewelry.

Also Read: Top 15 Jobs and Salary Ranges after completing B.Com

Training in Jewellery Designing Course

Graduation, a diploma, or short term courses teach the basics. BDes means the jewelry design course and National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) and National Institute of Design (NID) are leading institutions. 

The study would include stone cutting along with engraving and polishing procedures. Learn to test metals and gems. Electroplating and metal coloring besides anodizing would be taught. Enameling and stone setting are essential skills too.

Anticipate good incomes for the talented in the Career in Jewellery Designing. The jewelry business is booming across the world, and the internet makes it easy to find jobs abroad.

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